Monday, January 23, 2012

From the People Who Brought You Elf on a Shelf......Savior on a Shelf?

Okay, so maybe the product name needs some work, but stay with me, I'm on to something here.

I was talking with my three year old nephew this Sunday for the first time since Christmas and the "Elf on the Shelf" came up.  I'm either top lazy or too apathetic to do any research on said Elf, but to the best of my understanding he's a elf who is placed in different places through out the house, dictated by where the accompanying story book says, who is kind of a look out for Santa Clause to make sure that your youngin' isn't acting up.  The only whole in this to me, is as far as my Santa theology is concerned, Santa is omnipotent, in other words who knows everything.  He knows when you've been sleeping, he's knows when you're awake, he's knows if you've been bad or good, at least that's what the song says.  So why does he need an elf to report back to him?

Anyway, me and Brayden where discussing whether or not he ever caught the elf passing gas, how the elf magically moved and other logistics of this elf when I asked the most important question.  "Did the elf ever catch you being bad?"  When he said "no", I understood the genius of this product.  My nephew's not a bad kid, but I can't believe a little elf sitting on a shelf could keep him in check.  Which leads me to my new product....

The SAVIOR on a Shelf!!!

I know it sounds crazy, but think about half the work is already done for me.  I mean "Elf on a Shelf" has a book that comes with it, we already have the book that our Savior wants us to have, it's called the Bible.  It's written in may different languages (the Savior on a Shelf is for all every nation and tongue).  There are even different versions of the book.  If there are to many thees and thous for you, you can try the Message.  If the Message is to watered down for you can get a NIV version, which is pretty much the King James, it just doesn't sound like a character from Robin Hood is reading it.  There is a Bible for everyone, come to thing of it, you probably already have one.  It is the all time best selling book after all.

So since you already have your Bible, you are probably wondering why you need the Savior to sit where ever, to be a reminder.  Well that's simple, how much of what we know do we actually do.  You can sit Savior on a Shelf in your fridge.  Don't worry he won't get cold, but he may stop you from putting that six pack or bottle of wine in there.  I mean you wouldn't want Jesus in your fridge needing some refreshing and have to turn to alcohol would you?  True he may have changed water to wine (I'm not even getting into that theological discussion right now), but I bet there are a lot of people who's choice of beverage He would love to turn to water.

Okay, so you're fridge is sanctified, you can always put your Savior on a Shelf on the dashboard of your car.  Don't worry he doesn't need a seat belt, and I'm sure we all would agree we want him with us when we travel, but do we really?  For example when that car cuts you off and that curse word slips out of your mouth or that one particular finger goes up in the air, you may wish Jesus was driving up ahead of your instead of right there to witness your actions.  Or when you turn on the radio, when you have on the Christian station I'm sure you don't mind singing with Jesus riding shot gun, but when you have the radio on some of the pop songs of today you may be a bit more hesitant.  I'm not trying to judge here, but I don't think Jesus wants to sing along to "I've got passion in my pants and not afraid to show it."  I could be wrong on that but I think it's a safe assumption.

So say you're car is on the straight and narrow, the Savior on a Shelf is still for you.  Take him to your place of work or school.  You're a good person, but what about those times when a friend or co worker is telling a dirty joke or using language you know you shouldn't use, and it's just easier to say it than look like an outsider?  With Savior on a Shelf you're not alone, he's right there with you.  In fact since he's there with you, why not introduce some of your friends who aren't familiar with the Savior to him.  I bet that's something he'd want you to do (okay I'm actually positive about that one, he says so).

Okay so if everything is as it should be in your personal life, the Savior on a Shelf can also be used in your personal life.  Savior on a Shelf also works great with your home computer, laptop and cell phones.  Think about guys, maybe having Jesus sitting there by your computer could keep you from viewing sites you have no business being on in the first place.  Or he could stop married folks from sending inappropriate messages by text of Facebook.  He could stop us from gossiping about others in social media, bullying, or letter our fingers type words that our lips would never imagine saying.

If you haven't figured out I'm being sarcastic yet, I will sell you a couple of cases of the Savior on a Shelf.  But in all seriousness, our youth group is about to beginning a Bible study called "Not a Fan", I recommend the book to everyone it's honestly life changing.  One of the main themes in the book is not just believing, but also carrying your cross daily.  The Savior on a Shelf may not be a physical product you can actually buy, but he is real, unlike the elf, and he's not just there to watch you he's there to help you, heal you, and to be shared.  Also unlike the elf who probably retails for around twenty bucks, the Savior actually paid the price for you.

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